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Makedonien ist führend in der Internetnutzung

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In Makedonien surfen bei den über 15-Jährigen über 50% regelmäßig im Internet. Damit ist Makedonien führend in der Internetnutzung in der Region. Im Vergleich zur EU liegt das Land aber im Mittelfeld.

Mazedonien setzt auf alternativen Tourismus

Die weltweite Finanzkrise wird sich direkt auf einige Bereiche der makedonischen Wirtschaft auswirken, insb. im Tourismus. Mit ca. 500.000 ausländischen Gästern steuerte der Tourismus zwei Prozent zum Bruttosozialprodukt bei.

UMD Strongly Condemns Sofia Mayor Borisov’s Plans to „Buy“ Macedonia

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) categorically condemns Sofia mayor Boyko Borisov’s recent statements in Chicago advocating an effective „buyout“ of Macedonia by Bulgarians to ensure „friendly relations“ between the two states. „Such a statement by a leading politician of an EU and NATO member is deeply troubling and reveals a fundamental ignorance of the principles on which both organizations were founded,“ stated UMD President, Metodija A. Koloski.

Modern Greece and the Macedonian Heritage – Part 6: On the way to Hellenism

„In 1821, the Greeks rose in revolt against the rule of Turkey and declared themselves an independent nation. Their goal was far more ambitious than freedom alone, for they proclaimed the resurrection of an ancient vision in which liberty was but a single component. That vision was Hellas-the achievements of the ancient Greeks in knowledge, morality, and art, summed up in one evocative word. …

Античките херои и припаѓаат на светската цивилизација

Премиерот Никола Груевски, кој учествува на 45-та Безбедносна конференција во Минхен, изрази надеж дека Грција како сосед ќе помогне Македонија да влезе во НАТО и… Weiterlesen »Античките херои и припаѓаат на светската цивилизација