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Miller’s Brief an Obama stößt auf Kritik

In diesem Brief an seine Kollegen nimmt Prof. Daniel Tompkins (Temple University) Stellung zum Brief von Prof. Miller, der in einem Brief an den US-amerikanischen Präsidenten fordert, die USA müsse die Anerkennung der Republik Mazedonien zurücknehmen. Pelagon.de veröffentlicht den Brief zunächst auf englisch, demnächst auch auf deutsch.

To the students of Ancient Macedonian History

While taking subjective positioning on topics of ancient history dealing with events that have taken place thousands of years ago, shrouded in mystery and still under the veil of an inconclusive and controversial permanency, to a certain degree, is an acceptable act. Affirming your signature to a politically motivated petition, not only is not acceptable but it is also counterproductive, unethical and undermines the educational principles, the confidence and the trust inherent in the scholarly institutions and leaves a permanent stigma on the integrity of our educational system. Moreover, an act of such frivolousness, subjective and self-securing interest will not only erode the students´ morale, weaken their convictions but also chip away at the purity of their beliefs.


In April 2009, ELIAMEP, a Greek Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, published a „Thesis“ entitled „The Current Macedonian Issue between Athens and Skopje: Is there an Option for a Breakthrough?“ The paper was written by Evangelos Kofos, a long-time „Consultant“ to the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His views have and continue to form key aspects of Greek foreign policy in relation to the Macedonian issue.

Although ELIMEP’s paper is presented in a clear and concise manner, it contains a number of flawed arguments and omits certain truths on the „name issue“ which will be outlined in this paper.