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Was berichtet Wikileaks über Mazedonien?

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Weltweit berichten die Medien über die veröffentlichten Dokumente auf Wikileaks. In diesen geheimen Protokollen sind einige Passagen zu finden, die auch einen Bezug zu Mazedonien aufweisen, insb. auf den Namensstreit mit Griechenland.

Pelagon.de hat nun die zwei wesentlichen Passagen herausgesucht.

Aus einem Dokument der US-Botschaft in Paris (FR):

„Regarding Macedonia, Errera said the GOM underestimates the seriousness of the name issue for Greece and that the U.S. should not make the same mistake. France will not pressure Greece on this issue. Furthermore, if Athens were to give in on the name issue, the Greek government could fall, thus bringing in a new government which would be responsible for – and presumably hostile to – the NATO enlargement ratification progress.“

Aus einem Dokument der US-Botschaft in Berlin (DE):

„10. (C) Gordon briefed Heusgen on the current state of the negotiations, noting that the two key issues were the geographic modifier and international usage. Heusgen noted that the Chancellor knew PM Macedonian Gruevski through their common membership in the European People’s Party and would be willing to engage him on this issue if that would be helpful.“