European Parliament rapporteur on Macedonia Erik Meijer has asked the European Commission for confirmation whether generally accepted terms „Macedonians“ and „Macedonian“ and country code „MK“ have been replaced with designation „to be defined“, reports Deutsche Welle in Macedonian Language.
Erik Meijer, EU-Parlament
Meijer asked whether the EC takes into account that, „creation of such uncertain situation spreads the row into new fields, which are very sensitive, since they go into the national identity and become impossible to solve“.
„I was informed that word ‚Macedonian‘ would not be used anymore in EU’s official terminology, as practiced until 2008. This was the reason why I asked for an official explanation from the European Commission. The Commission’s response is that there is no change, and we are in a crazy situation that will not result in consequences for the EU, but makes Greece content“, says MEP Meijer.
In the EC response, president Jose Manuel Barroso confirms it is true they used standard names until recently, but a decision was passed in the summer of 2008 to change this. Thus, in the interinstitutional style guide, released by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, term „Macedonian“ and international code „MK“ have been replaced with „to be defined“. The Commission has confirmed that all references in documents and publications were in strict compliance with Resolution 817/93 of the UN Security Council.
According to Meijer, the Commission has given a symbolic gift to satisfy Greece when denying the use of word „Macedonian“ about the language and the people.
„There is no ‚fyrom‘ people or ‚fyrom‘ language, only Macedonian“, stressed the Dutch MEP.
Meijer also expresses concerns about the delay of the date for beginning of EU accession talks for Macedonia, despite European Parliament recommendations, assessing that the Greek opposition could last for years.
„I am big pessimist, since enlargement is not a priority at the moment. The public opinion is against and governments of member-states are happy that they have more time to decide. Enlargement is not a priority for the European Council. On the other hand, the Greek opposition on the beginning of Macedonia’s accession talks could last for years. Although majority of the European Parliament supported my proposal, reality will be quite different“, underlines MEP Erik Meijer.
//04.02.09 MINa